How I Made My First 6-Figures Off My Passion

(And You Can Too)

Your Six Figure Business Blueprint for AF Visionaries Who Want to Make a WILD Impact

FREE Masterclass on

Wednesday, September 25 at:

11 am Los Angeles

2 pm New York

7 pm London


In 2018, I stopped drinking and experienced a transformation so WILD, I knew I needed to share it with other people.

I became so passionate about the alcohol-free lifestyle and personal development and got certified as a coach.

What happened next?

I then made my first six figures off my passion, quit my day job, got a HarperCollins book deal, and started traveling the world as a thought leader, speaker, and retreat host.

In this FREE Masterclass, I'll show you the 6 KEY STEPS to making your first 6-figures off YOUR PASSION.


  • Exactly how I made my first 6 figures from my dream business and the 6 key steps to make a wild impact and income from your passions
  • The simple process of harnessing your transformation and translating it into multiple streams of income
  • Why the money game has changed--the more people you profoundly help, the more money you make--and the biggest opportunities in the coaching industry
  • Uncover the biggest blocks that are cockblocking your dreams and ability to make $$ from what lights a fire in your soul
  • How to explode your visibility and reach in the online world
  • My secret hack to show up boldly and fiercely even with imposter syndrome, procrastination, and doubt

This is for you if...

✅ You know you're here to make a difference but you're not quite sure how

✅ You stopped drinking and have found such a powerful shift in your life--are you meant to share this gift with others?

✅ You don't want to wait another YEAR to finally step into your purpose and an aligned career that pays you for sharing your passions

✅ You're inspired by other coaches, thought leaders, and authors and see yourself in them, even if you don't feel totally ready yet

✅A new season is upon you. It's time to phase out of what you're doing and claim the vision you really want.

✅ You're a soul-led entrepreneur or coach ready to step into your next level of impact, abundance, and visibility!


Hi I’m Karolina, your new coach trainer

Monetizing my passions has allowed me to:

  • Become a world-renowned coach and thought leader
  • Help thousands of women change their lives
  • Generate well over 7 figures in my business
  • Sell out international retreats
  • Retire myself and my husband from corporate life and travel the world
  • Get a 6-figure book deal from HarperCollins
  • Speak on stages, get featured in the media, be on TV, guest on over 300+ podcasts and live events
  • Know that I'm fully stepped into my purpose and feel fulfilled every single day

This from the foreign girl who was shy, didn't speak English, is highly introverted, and didn't believe she was capable.

If it's possible for me, it's possible for you too!

I can't wait to show you how!


I’m an alcohol-free empowerment coach and bestselling author of Euphoric who specializes in helping highly intuitive women make alcohol insignificant and unleash their deeper purpose to share their gifts with the world.

I hold 10x certifications in mindset, alcohol-free living, life coaching, neuro-linguistic programming, hypnosis, emotional freedom technique, neural energetic wiring, neural energetic encoding, coach training, and personal transformation and am here to share all those tools with you.

I'm also the founder of the triple accredited Empowered AF Coach Certification program, that certifies alcohol-free women in 5 modalities to become life-changing and highly-sought after coaches.

Join me at this FREE masterclass where I'll show you exactly how to make your first 6 figures off your passion!!